Posted on 9:57 AM

People of the developing & third world countries are going to be more and more disrespectful, Opprobrium & Scorny; One of the main reason behind this is that they're becoming 
over-shameproof and exceeding the limits of shamelessness. As we know that the people of a country are the real essence of a country therefore, This kind of attitude is not destroying the whole country but also destroying their economy  , Living standards, Morality and many other factors.

"It is noticed from the case studies that most of the disrespectfulness* of any country come from the rural areas because their parents are not aware about the living standard's of the urban life thus, they always do what their parents have taught them. The childrens upto the age of 30(or even 40) due to this growing illiteracy are becoming more & more disrespectful & shameless. I'm citing some of the scholarly articles and research studies which will be helpful for you."

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